Hypnosis and the Mind


Contrary to popular belief, trance is a naturally occurring state of altered awareness. We go into trance or hypnosis many times during the course of our normal waking day - when we daydream, when webecome engrossed in a good book or film, or when we drive on a familiar route, without paying much conscious attention.


Our unconscious mind is actually by far the more powerful part of our mind, and is the place where autonomic bodily functions such as digestion, heart rate and immune responses are controlled, as well as being that part that governs our habits, beliefs and emotional responses.


Our unconscious mind always wants the best for us. We can think of it like our most faithful protector and servant. One useful analogy is to think of our brains as being like computers and the unconscious as being the installed software. Unfortunately, we have not always been in control of the software uploads that have taken place throughout our lives, particularly when we were younger. It can be difficult to delete or uninstall old programmes that are no longer helpful!


Hypnotherapy is the means by which we install new software programmes into our minds, so that we may be more in control of our behaviour and emotional responses. The part of the mind that needs this upload, and that needs to hear this message, is the unconscious, which is why hypnotherapy and hypnosis is can be so much more effective than other talking therapies.